Best Practices
Northern Colorado, CO Northern Colorado was chosen as a best practice as it identified the person and agency responsible for coordinating the planning process and implementing the plan: the Office of Emergency Management of Larimer County The director of the Office served as facilitator of the Steering Committee meetings. The Steering Committee consisted of representatives from the following agencies: Coastal Bend Council of Governments, TX The Coastal Bend Council of Governments Hazard Mitigation Plan was chosen as a best practice because they formed a steering committee with members from each participating jurisdiction and clearly identified the roles of the committee. "The roles and responsibilities of the participating jurisdictions and HMCs are enumerated in the Interlocal Agreement. In general, the HMCs [Hazard Mitigation Coordinators] served as members of the Steering Committee and as liaisons to their respective jurisdictions. Each HMC provided project briefings to appropriate individuals in their own jurisdiction, and collected input for the hazard mitigation strategy...Early on, a Steering Committee was established to guide the direction of project activities. This committee evolved into the core multi-jurisdictional Planning Team, consisting of the HMCs for the participating jurisdictions. The Steering Committee met on a regular basis to provide input to the development of the Mitigation Action Plan."- Identifying hazards, assessing vulnerabilities, and understanding significant risks.
- Facilitating planning team meetings, public involvement, and decision making activities.
- Creating an organized and functional plan document, including maps or other graphics.
- Recognizes the unique demographic, geographic, technical, and political considerations of each participating community.
- Demonstrates knowledge or experience with land use and community development.
- Understands all the applicable policies and regulations as they apply to the mitigation plan, including federal law, FEMA guidance, and state and local ordinances.
- Recognizes that community input and public participation are integral to any successful mitigation plan.
- Exhibits familiarity with emergency management and multi-hazard mitigation concepts.
- Provides past performance information and references.