When building the planning team, start with existing community organizations or committees if possible. For mitigation plan updates, reconvene the team from the previous planning process along with any additional individuals or organizations. A committee that oversees the comprehensive plan or addresses issues related to land use, transportation, or public facilities can be a good foundation for your mitigation planning team. You may consider how threats and hazards impact economic development, housing, health and social services, infrastructure, or natural and cultural resources to determine what agencies and offices to include. You could also build on your community’s existing Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC). This group deals with hazardous materials safety and may also address other threats and natural hazards issues. In small communities, LEPCs may be comprised of the same people and organizations that are needed for the mitigation planning team.
Partners Involved in Hazard Mitigation Activities Partners with Authority to Regulate Development
Representatives from agencies involved in hazard mitigation activities, agencies with the authority to regulate development, and offices responsible for enforcing local ordinances are important members of the planning team. These agencies are likely to be assigned responsibility and have the expertise for implementing mitigation actions. Examples of partner agencies are listed in the sidebar. See Worksheet 2.1 for a checklist of potential agencies and organizations to consider when you are building the planning team.
It is important to distinguish between those who should serve as members of the planning team and other stakeholders. Stakeholders are individuals or groups that are affected by a mitigation action or policy and include businesses, private organizations, and citizens. Unlike planning team members, stakeholders may not be involved in all stages of the planning process, but they inform the planning team on a specific topic or provide input from different points of view in the community. Task 3 – Create an Outreach Strategy provides ideas about how and when to involve stakeholders in the planning process.
Element A2
The planning process shall include an opportunity for neighboring communities, local and regional agencies involved in hazard mitigation activities, and agencies that have the authority to regulate development, as well as businesses, academia and other private and non-profit interests to be involved in the planning process.
44 CFR §201.6(b)(2)
Certain stakeholders must be given the opportunity to be on the planning team or otherwise involved in the planning process, including:
- Local and regional agencies involved in hazard mitigation activities.
- Agencies that have the authority to regulate development.
- Neighboring jurisdictions.
- Businesses, academia, and other private and nonprofit interests.
Best Practices
Louisville Metro Area, KY
The Louisville Metro Area 2010 Plan was identified as a best practice because it included a wide range of stakeholders including business coalitions, local agencies, neighboring jurisdictions and academia in its planning process. The list below is excerpted from the plan’s Planning Process section and lists Planning Team and Advisory Committees Representatives.
Maricopa County, AZ
Maricopa County’s Plan was chosen as a best practice because it listed the planning team members and additional information in the form of a table. The table not only listed team member names, their relevant jurisdictions and positions, but it also provided a brief description of the reason for their inclusion and specific role on the team. The excerpt shown below is from the table.
New Hanover, NC
New Hanover’ was chosen as a best practice because it involved a range of partners in the planning process including emergency managers, planning departments from different jurisdictions and university officials.