
Task 3 Requirements

Element A1

The plan must document how it was prepared and who was involved in the planning process for each jurisdiction. This must include the schedule or timeframe and activities that made up the plan’s development.

Element A2

The plan must identify all planning team members and stakeholders who were involved or given an opportunity to be involved in the planning process, including the agency/organization and the person’s position or title within the agency.

A key element in the mitigation planning process is the discussion it promotes among community members about creating a safer, more disaster-resilient community. Accurately reflecting the community’s values and priorities in the plan will enhance its legitimacy and “buy-in” within the community and hence facilitate implementation of mitigation actions and projects to reduce risk.

Federal regulations for approving mitigation plans require that stakeholders and the general public be given opportunities to be involved during the planning process and in the plan’s maintenance and implementation. Community members can therefore provide input that can affect the content and outcomes of the mitigation plan.

Task 3 builds on the idea of an outreach strategy introduced in Task 2 – Build the Planning Team. An outreach strategy identifies what you want to accomplish through your outreach efforts, who to involve in the process, how to engage the community effectively and when.

To create a particularly strong outreach strategy, consider using some of the best practices found in high quality plans, such as: