Continue Public Involvement

Element A5

The plan maintenance process shall include a discussion on how the community will continue public participation in the plan maintenance process.

44 CFR §201.6(c)(4)(iii)

Keeping the plan current also means continuing to provide opportunities for public involvement in the plan and its implementation. Task 3 describes this requirement and offers suggestions for continuing outreach to the public and other stakeholders during plan maintenance and implementation. You may choose to document how the community will continue public participation during the plan maintenance process, along with the procedures for monitoring, evaluating, and updating the plan.

Best Practice

Tulsa, OK

Tulsa was identified as a best practice because it outlined how it would continue to solicit public input through biannual meetings held in local communities, as seen in the excerpt of the plan below.


The planning team also may identify specific procedures for keeping elected officials involved, either through the monitoring and evaluation procedures and/or through the process for continuing public participation. The local governing body usually adopts the plan, so reporting back to them annually or at other regular intervals can help maintain support and provide accountability for those responsible for the plan’s maintenance and implementation.